Deal Alert: Get a Free Season of Game of Thrones from Google Play—Right Now!

Get a Free Season of Game of Thrones from Google Play—Right Now!

The Google Play Store is known for some pretty random promotions and offers, most of the time it's a free book or a discounted movie. But this time, an entire season for Game of Thrones is up for grabs. Yes, that's right, all of Season 5 of Game of Thrones is free to download, watch, or just stash in your library for later.

SirVeza on Reddit noticed this incredible deal and shared with the community. The only requirement to download this season is having a Google account, which is free to register for if you don't already have one.

Redeeming Your Free Season

In order to get your free season of Game of Thrones all you have to do is visit the Play Store link below from your Android device or computer.

Normally, a season of GoT costs $28.99 in standard definition, but for some reason, Google is hooking it up for free right now. Simply hit the "Buy From Free" button, and then choose Buy SD to save the purchase to your Google Play library. You now have an entire season of Game of Thrones to watch at your leisure.

There wasn't any advertisement or promotion of this deal, and appears to be fairly spontaneous and erratic, so be sure to snap it up as quickly as possible. And even though it's not the high definition version of the season, it should look fine on your phone or tablet. On that note, you can watch the episodes using the Google Play Movies & TV app for Android or iOS, which also allows you to cast to Chromecast.

Be sure to let us know if you were able to get your free season of GoT, and feel free to leave a comment below if you see any other exciting deals that can be taken advantage of.

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Cover photo by twipzdeeauxilia/Flickr, screenshots by Dallas Thomas/Gadget Hacks

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