How To: Stream Personal Movies, Music, & Photos to Chromecast from Any Android Device

Stream Personal Movies, Music, & Photos to Chromecast from Any Android Device

It's been a great week for Chromecast owners. First, Google released the development kit, allowing devs to install the casting code into their apps. Then, CyanogenMod dev Koush updated his AllCast app to support the Chromecast. That means you can shoot personal movies, music, and photos directly from your Android device over to a Chromecast-connected display.

This is inherently different from the Chromecast's stated purpose, in which it receives a link to a Netflix video or Play Music song and handles the loading and streaming itself, with your Android "sender" operating merely as a remote.

AllCast shifts this functionality slightly. Files are still sent to the Chromecast, only they are loaded from the "sender" device, allowing you to play local content instead.

Step 1: Grab AllCast & Google Play Services

Along with a Chromecast dongle, we'll need a couple of apps to get started. First, grab the AllCast app from Google Play.

Then download and install the latest version of Google Play Services, which enables Chromecast functionality for AllCast.

Image via

Step 2: Setup AllCast with Your Chromecast

Now, head into AllCast and select your dongle.

As you can see below, my device is named °°MATA°°.

Image via

When you see your Chromecast, simply tap on its name to select it.

Step 3: Cast Your Content

After the initial setup, you'll be taken to the app's gallery, where you can select what content you want to send to the Chromecast.

Now just tap on whatever you want to cast and it'll shoot over to your screen. It's really that easy.

Unleashing Full Functionality

You can cast any photos on your device, but movies and music are limited to one minute of casting on the free version of AllCast. To get unlimited casting, grab the AllCast Premium version for $4.99 to install alongside the free app.

I'm not usually one to push paid apps, but in this case, the decision was easy. I store a lot of content on my devices, some of which aren't easily accessible through Hulu+ or Netflix. Rather than using a bulky HDMI cord, I can let AllCast take care of my binge-watching needs.

AllCast is in active development, and more features are sure to make their way into the app, including the possibility of full-on screen mirroring, making that five bucks some of the easiest money you'll spend all week.

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I downloaded the premium version of the app, and Google Play Service I'm using is the latest (I could not install the version provided here to be an old version). Still, I can not find my app in Chromecast, and therefore can not transmit any Content. I'm using a 9505 Galaxy S4 with Custom ROM Samy Deluxe Jello Biafra ( by) Google Play Service version 4.4.52 and the latest version of AllCast Premium

The Premium version is simply an "unlocker" or sorts. You'll still need the standard AllCast app.

You do not need the allcast app to do personal files. You can do it straight through the chrome browser by entering the location of the file into the address bar.

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