How To: Stream Netflix, Hulu, and Pandora from Anywhere in the World with Media Hint

Stream Netflix, Hulu, and Pandora from Anywhere in the World with Media Hint

Having the ability to stream music or video from practically any internet-capable device is a thing of wonder—especially at the airport. I don't know how many times Netflix has saved me from watching something like CNN for 5 hours straight at the gate during long layovers.

But streaming video sites like Netflix only work in North American and few other regions. So, if you're a U.S. subscriber currently in Australia or France or any other international location, Au Revoir to your streaming capabilities.

There are a bunch of tricks for bypassing geo-restrictions from streaming media sites like Netflix, Hulu, MTV, CBS, Pandora, etc. You can change your internet proxy manually or create a VPN that mimics a U.S.-based connection, but it's much easier to just use something like Tunlr to bypass those region blocks.

But there is a new, even easier method for bypassing those viewing restrictions, and it's called Media Hint.

Media Hint is a browser add-on for both Firefox and Google Chrome that routes only the traffic from the streaming service in your browser through U.S.-based proxies so you can enjoy content unavailable in your home country.

It's totally free, and there is no sign-up or registration required. Just add the extension to your browser and enjoy!

If you're stateside and looking to play streaming media based outside of the United States, like ITV Player, then you'll have to use something like Tunlr instead. It's not as convenient, but still gets the job done.

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Cover image by Technobuffalo

1 Comment

Yay, thank you...we paid $55 for our VPN for a year and that was only for one PC, now we can do this on all of them!

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